Welcome to hotel Blue

Hotel Blue in Nijmegen is perfect for those who like to feel right at home. Here you have everything you need at hand. Comfort, hospitality and dynamic. Restaurant, lounge and bar. Your work, friends, family and the rest of the world always close by through the wireless connection.

Blue has 30 hotel rooms and a long-stay apartment. The hotel rooms are sleek, smart and cool. Cleverly designed for the global traveller, weekend guest and professional. Fully fitted and comfortable as single and double room. Innovative design under a high 19th-century ceiling.

Hotel Blue in Nijmegen is more than a hotel. It is a new chapter in hospitality and design. The ground floor is the domain of Juliette. Every day from 9:00 am until after midnight, you are most welcome in the lounge, restaurant and bar. For coffee and tea with home-made pastry and pie at Juliette’s Salon de Thé & Lounge, for lunch, dinner and snacks at Restaurant Juliette’s Cosina and for the perfect drink in Juliette’s Blue Bar. Welcome to Nijmegen, welcome to Blue & Juliette’s